Kate Tuckley, Financial Conduct Authority
Kate Tuckley
HoD, investment platforms & SIPP operators dept, consumer investment
Financial Conduct Authority

Prior to joining the FCA in 2010 Kate worked as a lawyer specialising in financial services litigation in private practice. She has spent the majority of her career at the FCA working in Retail Enforcement leading the relationship management and strategy team overseeing referrals to Enforcement from Supervision. She is an experienced Head of Department having set up an Enforcement Department with a specific focus on Interventions and Threshold Conditions before leading an Investigation Department running some of the FCA’s most high profile, complex investigations. She also developed the FCA’s Financial Promotions strategy. In 2022 she moved to Supervision and since then has headed up the Department responsible for Investment Platforms, SIPP Operators, P2P and Crowdfunders as well as proactive teams that lead thematic projects, multi-firm work and with a specific focus on Financial Crime and Consumer Duty.

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